In 2021, The FA created a new high-profile consumer-facing brand, England Football, to represent and promote football participation in England. The purpose of the new identity was to provide an enhanced level of aspiration and inspiration to everyone who loves the game and reflect the increased inclusivity and diversity across all levels and abilities.
- 280k+ Unique visitors during the Euro 2020 squad announcement
- 459k Page views recorded
- 86% Average conversion rate for Find Football tool
The FA had been using Sitecore for over five years and were looking to translate its powerful capabilities into high quality experiences online. Utilising Sitecore 10, we had to build new products that integrated seamlessly with its existing digital estate across different websites, journeys and tracking and analytics packages.
The whole experience building this new high profile digital experience with Cognizant has set the standard for all of our Sitecore projects going forward. Our strong partnership with Cognizant paved the way for a highly successful project.
Delivering a brand-new digital ecosystem in time for Euro 2020
We also developed Find Football, an online search tool that enables participants (casual and club players) to search for games across FA and social channels, while taking them on a personalised, gamified playing journey that leverages Machine Learning to drive personalised stats and recommendations.

This has been one of the first deliveries where we have been able to take strong learnings from the past, prioritise quality over quantity and deliver one of the most stable launches of a digital product to date, and there’s so much more to come.